
Food Support: The Minnesota Department of Health website provides comprehensive information about the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), including eligibility requirements and how to apply, as well as other food assistance programs.

Fare For All: Fare for All buys fresh fruits, vegetables, and frozen meats in bulk. They have locations throughout the Twin Cities metro area that they visit once a month for two hours. Anyone can purchase their goods, and there is no registration necessary.

Self Care

Mental Health and Wellness Resources: A list of mental health and wellness resource centers throughout the Twin Cities metro area that provide services for free or according to an income-based fee scale.

List of Stress Manifestations: Are you feeling stressed? This quick guide identifies common manifestations of stress. Awareness is an important first step in being able to address and remedy the causes of our stress.

Self-Care Assessment: On top of your service, program and projects, make sure that you are making time for your own self-care. This assessment is a quick tool to see what you have been doing to take care of yourself, and to subsequently think about how you can take better care of yourself moving forward.

Money Management

Prepare + Prosper: Provides free tax services and personal finance technical assistance for low-income individuals and families.

Lutheran Social Services: Provides financial wellness and debt management resources, including student loan debt counseling.

VISTA Payroll: Information on the VISTA living allowance for 2019-20.

Other necessities

Minnesota VISTA Living Guide: A PDF resource-guide with information on VISTA resources, housing, transportation, health benefits, budgeting, food assistance, eating cheaply, thrifty entertainment and savings and deals.

VISTA Health Benefits Guide: A comprehensive guide to accessing and utilizing the health benefits provided to VISTA members through IMG.

Cycles for Change: C4C implements a variety of programs that support people in getting access to a used bicycle, free bicycle repair, training in safe, confident cycling, and opportunities to help grow a broad-based, equitable bicycling movement.

Professional Development

Young Nonprofit Professionals Network: YNPN is a space for young nonprofit professionals to convene about professional development and build a peer support network. They provide many free professional development opportunities every month.

InterCorps Council of Minnesota: The ICC is a peer-led organization of AmeriCorps members from around the state who aim to promote engagement, communication, collaboration, and education to empower AmeriCorps and the Minnesota community


Matching Institutions: Colleges and universities that actively recruit talented AmeriCorps alumni for their reputation of perseverance, drive, and proven active citizenship. Many of these institutions offer a variety of incentives such as service scholarships or matching tuition funding to the Segal AmeriCorps Education Award.

Non-Competitive Eligibility (NCE): Information on what NCE is and how to use it.